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Ways To Stay Safe When Using Turntable Wrapping Equipment

Whether you already have, or you are going to buy turntable wrapping equipment, you should go through useful safety protocols that can keep you and others injury-free. Here are some things that will make the world of difference in terms of how safe this wrapping equipment remains around your specific worksite.

Have Company Deal With Transportation for Initial Setup 

When you first get a turntable wrapping machine, you'll need to place it around a particular area of your building. These machines can be pretty big and thus weigh a lot, so if you don't do the right things during transportation, you could expose yourself to an injury.

It's just a better idea to let a professional company take care of this initial setup. Professionals can manipulate the turntable wrapping machine around structures and systems already in your building, keeping collisions at bay. They'll also already have heavy-duty equipment to support your turntable wrapping machine completely. 

Set up Safety Fencing Around Moving Sections

There will be parts that move on a turntable wrapping machine and you need to stay clear of them at all times. You can ensure you and others do this by setting up safety fencing around any parts of this wrapping machine that will be moving when it's running.

These safety fencing systems will create a clear barrier that you're not supposed to move past. Some turntable wrapping machines come equipped with these fencing systems and others require you to purchase them yourself. Just make sure they're stable and clearly visible around moving parts to avoid serious injury.

Make Sure Lighting Levels are Appropriate 

If you invested in an automatic turntable wrapping machine, then it will use sensors to determine when a wrap cycle should commence. In order for these sensors to work appropriately and not create safety issues, the light levels around the machinery have to be dialed in.

They can't be too bright because that's probably going to interfere with these sensors' abilities to pick up motion and thus activate at the right times. Once the right light levels are achieved, do your best to maintain them around the area where this wrapping machine is positioned. 

A turntable wrapping machine can easily wrap plastic film to boxes on crates, but in order for this system to remain safe to operate, certain protocols have to be followed. It's your job as an operator to find out what they are and then consider them each time the machinery is used for wrapping purposes.