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Three Reasons A First-Time Grower Should Consider Layflat Hose For An Irrigation System

A layflat hose has many applications in various industries, including mining, oil and agriculture. This latter application is one you should pay attention to as a first-time grower. If you have a small plot of land, as many first-time farmers do, you need to look at irrigation to maximize your results. You will find a layflat hose to be an excellent way to realize your irrigation system. The following are a few good reasons this is true.

It is a low-cost way to implement irrigation

If you are a first-time grower and need an irrigation method but don't want to spend a lot of money, using a layflat hose system may be a good option. They are economical when compared to setting up a PVC piping system or a traditional hose for irrigation. In addition, if you plan on using a drip manifold for irrigation, a flat hose integrates easily with a variety of manifolds that are available as well as any needed couplings and fittings. This gives a new grower flexibility in setting up an irrigation system on a piece of land that may not be as uniform as many of the larger growers have.

This type of hose is durable

A layflat hose is designed to operate under greater pressure than that of traditional hoses used in irrigation. The pressure specification will depend upon the diameter of the hose, but a higher pressure tolerance will mean a lower risk of the hose being damaged as well as fewer maintenance costs related to controlling excess pressure in a traditional irrigation hose. The braided construction of this hose makes it resistant to agricultural chemicals found in fertilizers, as well as other acids that damage irrigation hoses.

There are many fittings that can be used

Regardless of whether you will be using one or several drip manifold for your irrigation system, you will need fittings. With a layflat hose system, there are many available, such as couplers, elbows, tees, plugs and adapters. These fittings allow you to create the irrigation system that best fits your land and the layout of your particular crop. You can also integrate a fertilizer system with your water system. You can even add a timer to the system so once everything is set up, your crops will be taken care of automatically.

There are many challenges that face a first-time grower, and cost is among the most important. You don't have the economic resources to operate the way large farms do, but your land, due to its smaller size, may also not be laid out efficiently. However, you can create a drip irrigation system with a low-cost layflat hose. They are economical and can be adapted to various irrigation designs with a variety of couplers and other fittings. And they are durable, so there is less maintenance and repair. 

Reach out to a professional to find things like layflat hose couplers and other parts of the system.